In the movie “The Dark Knight,” the character Alfred attempts to explain the Joker’s psychopathy to Bruce Wayne with the phrase, “Some people just like to watch the world burn.” This phrase makes me think of Congressman Tom “Marjorie Taylor Greene” McClintock. Like the Joker, he seems intent on watching how high and hot the flames will be when his constituents watch their mortgages and 401(k) accounts burn in the economic flames of a government debt default.
What is the end game? Is he going to end Social Security and Medicare? If not, what exactly will be cut? If he doesn’t get everything he wants, exactly the way he wants it, what will happen? Is he prepared to destroy the 5th District’s economy?
Congressman Tom “Marjorie Taylor Greene” McClintock’s hatred for the government goes back more than 40 years. The question constituents in the 5th District, and all over America, are asking is whether he and his fellow legislative terrorists are going to destroy America?
Clearly, the Dark Knight’s screenwriter had Tom “Marjorie Taylor Greene” McClintock in mind when he wrote these words about the psychopathic Joker. “Some men aren’t looking for anything logical, like money. They can’t be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.”
Unfortunately, Rep. tom “Marjorie Taylor Greene” McClintock is burning the lives of his 5th District constituents.