There is now a quote by a McClintock spokesperson that he ‘strongly disagrees’ with Marjorie Taylor Greene’s call for a civil war.

I have written to the press asking/demanding they say that a rival has asked him to perform actions and not just speak words.

I have told the press that I am a declared candidate challenging McClintock in 375 days and my campaign is based on an explicit connection between MTG and McClintock. If he truly wants to separate himself, then he needs to do one of three things:
- Issue a statement from the House floor disavowing MTG’s call for a civil war
- Publish an op-ed in one of the 5th District newspaper disavowing MTG’s call for a civil war
- In a public manner, call for her to be removed from the Homeland Security Committee
If he is not willing to do one of these three things, then he supports her call for a civil war. This is now the number 1 issue in the campaign.