Rep. McClintock Hates ‘Evil’ Secular America

Read article from Feb 21, 2023 Politico article

My name is Jason Kassel and I’m a secular Democratic candidate campaigning for California’s 5th Congressional District against Rep. Tom McClintock, a man who believes secular America is evil.  Rep. Tom McClintock belongs to an evangelical Christian Nationalist Republican Party (supported by QAnon, the Proud Boys, and the Oath Keepers) that despises all aspects of American secular life.  Rep. McClintock’s evangelical Christian Nationalist Republican Party is determined to fundamentally transform America so that America becomes ruled by evangelical Christian Nationalist Republican religious values.

Rep. McClintock’s evangelical Christian Nationalist Political Party hates the secular America true Americans love.  Rep. McClintock believes every aspect of America has been overtaken by the liberals.  Rep. McClintock believes the liberals are evil.  To Rep. McClintock, everything about secular America, an America where women’s lives are more important than potential embryonic life, is religiously evil and biblically wrong.  Rep. McClintock wants to fundamental transform secular America so that every true American has to bow down to Rep. McClintock’s evangelical Christian Nationalist Republican Party’s Southern Baptist Convention understanding of biblical Jesus.

Read article from Sept. 28, 2022 Grid News

In the 5th District, there lives a family of three.  Mr. and Mrs. Gomez and their daughter Juanita.  As they prepare for Juanita’s quinceanera, is the family prepared for the country imagined by the evangelical Christian Nationalist Republicans?  If Rep. Tom McClintock and his evangelical Christian Nationalist Republican Party wins in 2024, the life of the Gomez family will be overturned.  No one in the family will be able to engage in a profound life decision because the evangelical Christian Nationalist Republican Party has determined that a single embryo is more valuable than the lives of a hundred Juanita’s.  If something terrible happens, and the pregnancy threatens Juanita’s life, Rep. McClintock and his evangelical Christian Nationalist Republican Party has determined that Juanita’s life is secondary because the embryo’s potential life has to be protected.

Rep. McClintock has a foundational disgust with everything about the secular America true Americans love.  This disgust that makes Rep. McClintock hate secular society has its foundation in the evangelical Christian Nationalism promoted by the Southern Baptist Convention.  As an elected official, Rep. McClintock doesn’t believe in the U.S. Constitution.  Rep. McClintock believes in the evangelical Christian King James Version Holy Bible as taught through the SBC edicts.  Rep. McClintock wants to transform elementary school into evangelical Sunday School.  Rep. McClintock wants to destroy parental rights for all true secular Americans.  Rep. McClintock’s hatred of secular society is an existential threat to all true Americans.

Read article from Feb. 9, 2023 Freedom from Religion Foundation

True Americans love secular America.  Rep. McClintock believes secular America is evil.  Rep. McClintock has a complete hatred, disdain, and disgust of everything about secular America.  Rep. McClintock’s public policy desires are to completely transform and fundamentally alter every aspect of secular American life.  

Rep. McClintock’s public policy votes, and the policy direction of his evangelical Christian Nationalist Republican Party, force secular Americans to conform to his religious beliefs and deprive them of their freedoms.  Rep. McClintock hates individual freedom and personal choice. 

Rep. McClintock and his evangelical Christian Nationalist Republican Party will not stop until every aspect of the the Gomez’ family life is completely in their control and the evangelical Christian Nationalist Political Party dictates all family decisions.  Every aspect of his policy votes reveals that Rep. McClintock believes the edicts of the Southern Baptist Convention should overrule the decisions made by families throughout the 5th District.
